Friday, June 10, 2011

It's a Potty Party!!!

I am so excited!!  I have been changing diapers for 7 1/2 years and I am done!!  Potty Party!!  Christopher has been doing great!!  We are on Day 3 and had a perfect day!!  Just in time for his birthday in a couple of weeks!!  Way to go BIG BOY!!
At first he wouldn't let me take his picture.  But little boy bums are too cute!!  Especially when your sportin' Lightning McQueen and Diego!!
Go * CJ * Go!!
(And I love the curly hair!!)

Just how much rain did we get in May???

I have been so curious as to how much 
rain we actually had in May.  
Princeville got over 16 inches (6 inches is the norm) 
and Hanalei received over 20 inches.  
Wow!!  That's a lot of RAIN!