Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jog A Thon!!

Today was the Hanalei Annual Jog A Thon.  Its a fundraiser for the school and the kids raise money and participate in a run.  They set up a small block at the Waioli Park and the kids ran as many laps as they can in 15 minutes for Anthony and 10 minutes for Nate.   

Nate was so funny.  On the way to school we were talking about the run and I asked him how many laps he was going to run.  He said, "Mrs. Deblin said we can walk, so I'm just going to walk."  Well, he didn't walk and he was having so much fun.  He smiled the entire 10 minutes and it was so fun to see a competitive side of Nate.  But also, just having a good time.
At the end of each race, the fire fighters were on hand to cool all the kids off.  Anthony and Nate were both not too sure about that so ended up just watching all their friends get absolutely drenched!

Nate was still smiling even after the race!!  He had said his goal was to run 8 laps.  He ran 9.  Hooray!!

Anthony learned his lesson from 1st grades run.  Slow and steady!!!  He kept a nice even pace the entire time, only stopping a couple of quick moments.  He passed his goal of 14 laps and ran 17.  I was so proud of both my boys!!

Christopher went back and forth between me and Lance.  I was helping out in the blue tent marking laps as kids ran by while Dad was mastering the art of photography!!