Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Tsunami is coming.......

Our 4th night in Kauai and we got to experience our first tsunami warning.  There was an major 9.0  earthquake in Japan Thursday March 11th (Friday in Japan) followed by a major tsunami.

We were watching the news around 9 pm when we first heard about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  At 9:30 the announcement was made that there was a tsunami warning for Hawaii.  The sirens first went off at 9:59 pm.  Kauai was expected to be hit first around 3:00 am.  Because it was so late back in Salt Lake, I decided to post a message on Facebook that there was a tsunami warning but that we should be okay.  Well, my poor family did not get the message.

Misty saw the news at 4:00 am (mst) and went in to wake up my mom in a panic.  The news in Salt Lake was doing a major story on the tsunami.  They were saying that Kauai was expected to be hit the hardest in the Hanalei and Princeville area.  There was a count down to when the tsunami would hit.  Lance had received phone calls from several people, one of which was my brother Chad.  Everyone warning us and telling us to get to higher ground.

Kauai was not really affected by the tsunami.  The Big Island and Maui received the most damage.  But it was a very interesting thing to experience.

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