Saturday, March 19, 2011

I thought we'd never get done packing!!!

If it weren't for good friends, we never would have finished packing.  As our moving day swiftly came, we realized how much work we needed to do.  It was difficult to pack.  We had to think of long term packing, had no need for winter clothes where we were going!  We had to think about Hawaii packing and then we also had to pack an overnight bag for the 3 days after the moving truck came.  What a challenge!!  After 2 weeks of constant packing,  our moving day was here.  Thank goodness for our friends.  Alan Boardman came to our rescue Thursday night.  We were really loosing steam and Alan came in and took over.  His energy was just what we needed to get more done.  And the next day, Erika called and said I'm coming over to help.  She was there all day!!  She was amazing!!  Cherie and Zoe showed up with lunch and a couple extra hands for a couple of hours followed by the Selander's.  We had additional help from my Mom, my dad and Bobbi, and Kathy Capps.  We didn't get out of there until Saturday night at 10 pm, but we never would have been out of there if it weren't for all those who helped.  So thank you so much to all of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, it is so fun to read your blog! Obviously it has been a couple of days since I have jumped on mine to see any updates others have made. Way to go, girl! I will try to catch the blogging bug & get going again! Miss ya!
