Monday, May 16, 2011

Don't try this at home!!

Copin Colburn - former branch president of the Hanalei Branch!!

He performed his fire dance for the youth fundraiser. My kids are now asking to take fire dance lessons!!!  Lance told him the next day at church that he would allocate some extra money on his tithing slip for lawn care from fire damage!!  Not that there was any damage, but he sure thought that was funny!!

It's still funny!

Remember back in March, there was a post about "Quiet Time Being Cancelled!"?  Well my mom told me today that the other night she must have been dreaming, remembering it and started laughing in her sleep. Out Loud!!  She woke herself up!!!

Anthony's First Pinewood Derby!

Great news for Anthony.  You are able to join scouts when you are 7 1/2 here in Hanalei!!!  Now there are 3 boys in the troop!!  We got here just 2 weeks before the pinewood derby.  Just one small problem....... all of our tools are sitting in Grandma May's garage.  After borrowing a few tools from members in the branch, Lance and Anthony finished his first car, which he named 
"Speed Racer". 
Anthony was very proud of his car.  Although he came in 3rd, he was able to race in regionals!!

Regionals were held at Kukui Grove in Lihue.  He had such a great time and even won a few of his races.  He was so serious, as you can see from this picture.  I saw a girl that I went to school with named Beth Reese Jensen and Anthony actually raced against her son.  So funny to come all this way and that happen!!!

What a great experience!!

"Nani Hanalei"

May 13, 2011
May Day at Hanalei School
"Nani Hanalei" meaning Beautiful Hanalei
The cute little guy in the silver and purple is 
Anthony's friend James.
He was the attendant for the 1st grade.  
Each grade performed a traditional Hawaiian dance.  Anthony's was called the "Mele Mele" (I think!)  He was so cute.  His class made tea leaf leis the day before and was so proud of it.  He loves it here at Hanalei School.
I love the setting of the school.  There are always waterfalls in the background on the beautiful mountains.  I am in awe everyday with the beauty that surrounds us.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I was reminded today of something that happened a couple of weeks after we moved here.  If anyone has been to Hawaii, you know about the chickens.

We were in the middle of eating dinner when Nate quietly slid off his chair and tried to sneak the butter knife.  I looked at him and asked "Nate, what are you doing?"  With such an innocent look, one that only a child could give, he said
"I'm gonna go kill me a rooster!"

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pet Friendly Condo

Yesterday we took Grandma May to see the light house and Nate and CJ had to get them each a new turtle.
Nate has been taking great care of his turtle.  Even made it a home.
 Then decided to add a second level for his dragon.  He has been using the brush vacuum attachment and has been brushing his turtle all day.
Although the thought of him using that brush was appalling, he was so cute.  Didn't have the heart to tell him he couldn't use it.
I think he's trying to convince me that he's ready for a pet.  I think I like this version better!

The rains came down and the floods came up!!

It rained for 30 minutes and this is what it looked like.  
So we went out to play!!  Lance and the boys each had a lid to a bottle and dropped it at the top of the street and had a boat race down the river in the road.  Not too sure who ended up winning. Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of the race.  But then we went for a walk to see where our little river was going.

Everyone sure had fun.  There were a couple of people who drove by laughing to see us all in our rain jackets splashing around in the water!!  We loved it!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Our Easter celebration started saturday morning for a primary activity held at the 
Hemingway's house.
There was a craft and of course an egg hunt!!

The secret to the hunt was following Lance around. 
But it wasn't until the end that a few of the kids caught on!
There was one bag of eggs that hadn't been hidden yet so Lance ran around the yard hiding eggs as the kids were still finding them.  It was funny to hear some of the kids say things like "I can't believe no body found this egg!  It was just right here!"  We all had a great time!

Here are some of my new friends!!!  Brook, April and Nicole!!

The Hanalei Branch Primary!!


May 9th - Mother's Day!!

We got a phone call Sunday morning from President Koga to tell us the Hanalei Bridge was closed so we would be having church services at the Spencer's house.

They managed to cram 50 people in their living room and kitchen for the service.
Bread was passed on a plate and each family had a glass of water to sip from for the water.
The primary kids sang a Mother's Day song and President Sparks gave a talk.  It was a very neat experience.
I actually started thinking about the pioneers and the first saints and others around the world who worship in such humble circumstances.  After the service there was a very nice Mother's Day Pot Luck!
What a great Mother's Day!  One to remember!!!

It rained like nothing I had ever seen before.  When we got to the Spencer's home, we parked in a little ditch on the side of the road which was a little soggy when we got there.
By time we left, only 2 1/2 hours later, the water in the ditch was almost up to my knees.
We were absolutely soaked!!!
It was quite incredible to see.  

In a 2 day period, it rained a total of 14 inches!!!  20 inches since May 1st!!!

This is the golf course across the street.  Doesn't give a good picture of all the rain.

The kids loved playing in the street watching the small stream flowing down the center.  I even took Anthony and Nate to the swimming pool.  Figured they were going to get wet anyway!!  They had a blast!!

And it is still raining!!!!!

Poor Frog

I don't think any princess will be kissing this frog.  
Poor thing!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who stole my camera??

These are

the kind of pictures you get

when the kids have the camera!!

Catch a wave and let it ride!!

This was the first time we brought boogie boards with us to the beach!
I thought the kids would be a little timid, but
not a chance!!

Even Christopher had a blast!!

I love watching my kids enjoy life.  

Ready.... Set..... Jog!

Hanalei School Annual Jog-a-Thon!

Mrs. Paik has the class stretching and getting ready for their 10 minute jog!

CJ and Nate came with to cheer him on!!

Anthony is a bit competitive and so instead of jogging, he tried to do a sprint-a-thon.
He quickly learned that in this heat, there is a reason the school does a jog-a-thon.
But he ran his little heart out!  
He got so tired that he would walk the majority of the way, but as soon as he got close to me and his teacher, he grimaced and ran as fast as he could.  
I kept trying to tell him it was okay to jog, but I'm sure he was just trying to look good 
in front of Mrs. Paik.

11 Laps!!  Not too bad!!

Even ended with a smile!! 

3rd Place!