Tuesday, May 10, 2011


May 9th - Mother's Day!!

We got a phone call Sunday morning from President Koga to tell us the Hanalei Bridge was closed so we would be having church services at the Spencer's house.

They managed to cram 50 people in their living room and kitchen for the service.
Bread was passed on a plate and each family had a glass of water to sip from for the water.
The primary kids sang a Mother's Day song and President Sparks gave a talk.  It was a very neat experience.
I actually started thinking about the pioneers and the first saints and others around the world who worship in such humble circumstances.  After the service there was a very nice Mother's Day Pot Luck!
What a great Mother's Day!  One to remember!!!

It rained like nothing I had ever seen before.  When we got to the Spencer's home, we parked in a little ditch on the side of the road which was a little soggy when we got there.
By time we left, only 2 1/2 hours later, the water in the ditch was almost up to my knees.
We were absolutely soaked!!!
It was quite incredible to see.  

In a 2 day period, it rained a total of 14 inches!!!  20 inches since May 1st!!!

This is the golf course across the street.  Doesn't give a good picture of all the rain.

The kids loved playing in the street watching the small stream flowing down the center.  I even took Anthony and Nate to the swimming pool.  Figured they were going to get wet anyway!!  They had a blast!!

And it is still raining!!!!!

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