Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ready.... Set..... Jog!

Hanalei School Annual Jog-a-Thon!

Mrs. Paik has the class stretching and getting ready for their 10 minute jog!

CJ and Nate came with to cheer him on!!

Anthony is a bit competitive and so instead of jogging, he tried to do a sprint-a-thon.
He quickly learned that in this heat, there is a reason the school does a jog-a-thon.
But he ran his little heart out!  
He got so tired that he would walk the majority of the way, but as soon as he got close to me and his teacher, he grimaced and ran as fast as he could.  
I kept trying to tell him it was okay to jog, but I'm sure he was just trying to look good 
in front of Mrs. Paik.

11 Laps!!  Not too bad!!

Even ended with a smile!! 

3rd Place!  

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