Friday, September 2, 2011

It's about time!!!

After 6 months of living here, I finally got to play my first round of golf!!  We played the front 9 at the Makai Golf Course.  It was breath taking!!

The sand was so beautiful.  It kept pulling me in.  I spent more time in the "beach" here than I have in weeks!!  It was so soft.  It's a good thing I was playing with my special "Hot Pink" balls, otherwise they would have been lost in there!!

The view was simply amazing.  I could have stayed in that one spot all day.  I can't get enough of the beauty here. 

Below the lookout is Queen's Bath.  We have gone there before and it was fun to see from a different view.

Lance said since he paid for golf I had to get my picture taken.  So there I am, enjoying my time.  I guess its nice to have proof that I was really there!!  I'm usually on the other side of the camera.  It was a wonderful morning.  Hoping we can do it more often!!!  Maybe next time we will take the kids with us.  We'll see!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! It looks so beautiful!
    As do you! You should have your picture taken more often!
