Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Sunday drive to the Great Salt Lake

Who knew the Great Salt Lake Marina was a cool place to go?  We didn't, but decided we should at least go check it out.  We're missing someone in this picture.

Get this kid next to water and there go the rocks!  But who doesn't love throwing rocks in water?

Oh, there's Christopher!  Asleep in the car.  Happens all the time!!  Poor Kid!

I did not know the brown mountains that surround the lake, and the brown island, could be so pretty.  But they were.  It was so amazing to me.
Anthony makes the picture even better!

Nate, just happy to be there!

Lance took the boys to check out the sail boats and daydreamed about sailing!

Its a good thing we take a soccer ball EVERYWHERE we go, just in case there is a patch of grass big enough to kick a ball.  This kid is so funny that way!!

Nate, however was more interested in the boats!

A few more inches higher with the ball and the picture would have been perfect!!

Guess who woke up as we were all putting our seat belts on....  Yep!  Perfect timing!  I told Lance he needed to get him out of the car and show him the water so he didn't feel bad for missing it all!  Then I was able to get this sweet picture!!

Seriously though........ who knew! 

A trip to Hill Air Force Base

During Spring Break, we took the kids to Hill Air Force Base.    We had never been there and I was surprised at how much there was to see.  

It was a beautiful day to be there.

The kids enjoyed seeing all the fun "old" planes and I found them so interesting.  I had just finished the book "Fly Girl" a week or two before, so it was fun seeing the display about the WASPS. 

The sweet man in the photo below offered to take a picture of us.  After accepting his offer, I was so nervous he was going to drop my camera.  His hands were so shaky.  He asked if I wanted him to take another because CJ was hiding his face.  My answer..... Oh no!  That one was great!!  (Now give me back my camera!)

He was great though.  He let us walk in and look inside one of the planes.  The boys thought it was great!

Friends and Popsicles!

Aspen, Nate & Kate

and the after a popsicle shot!!

A day at Grandpa's

Other than seeing Grandpa, the highlight at Grandpa's house is playing baseball with the cousins, Grandpa and Uncles!

Between CJ and Nate, they kept him going.  Again.... again....  

and AGAIN!

Guess Katelyn wasn't too excited over baseball, or maybe just waiting a very long time for a turn!

Careful Nate........ I wouldn't take that if I were you!!  

Lucky!!  Nate gets his turn.

Its always fun spending time with our family!

Basketball...... Oh Yeah!!

My little soccer players ventured into something new this winter.... Basketball.  Did they like it?  Absolutely!!
I wasn't sure how Nate would do, but he was awesome!!  I knew he would know how to play, more the question of would he play.
He ended up being a great shooter!!  And an amazing dribbler.  
But of course, right!!

Christopher sure wished he could have played!!  But was there to cheer for his brothers!!

Anthony used his ability to read the soccer field and did the same thing on the court!  It was so great to see him enjoying something other than soccer!  Why not try them all!!


Nate's 6th Birthday!

turned 6 on January 4th.
I kept asking what he wanted to do for his birthday and who did he want to invite.

The guest list:



That's it!  That was the easiest birthday party ever!!  He wanted to go to the Sandy Fun Center and afterwards we grabbed ice cream cones at Arctic Circle and they continued to play on the little playground there.  And the best part, he loved it!!  It was so great.  I love that he is such a simple and easy going kid!!

Anthony & Garrett

Family Party!!

Of course we couldn't celebrate without the family!

The kids always get great gifts from the family!  This was a gift card to Barnes and Noble which of course he bought..... Legos.  Go figure!!

Makayla & Katelyn

Want to make a kid happy....... a bag full of money!!  Uncle Adam and Auntie Cassie have it all figured out!!  Add a couple cans of silly string and we have a winner!!!

Auntie Jaime and Auntie Cassie

Even Auntie Misty seemed excited about the bag of money!!  


And a happy Nate!!  

My Nate!

This is just one of those pictures that you have to share for no other reason than I love it!!  We call this our "Einstein" picture!!  Who knew eating a Rootbeer float could be so entertaining!!