Sunday, May 20, 2012

A trip to Hill Air Force Base

During Spring Break, we took the kids to Hill Air Force Base.    We had never been there and I was surprised at how much there was to see.  

It was a beautiful day to be there.

The kids enjoyed seeing all the fun "old" planes and I found them so interesting.  I had just finished the book "Fly Girl" a week or two before, so it was fun seeing the display about the WASPS. 

The sweet man in the photo below offered to take a picture of us.  After accepting his offer, I was so nervous he was going to drop my camera.  His hands were so shaky.  He asked if I wanted him to take another because CJ was hiding his face.  My answer..... Oh no!  That one was great!!  (Now give me back my camera!)

He was great though.  He let us walk in and look inside one of the planes.  The boys thought it was great!

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