Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nate's 6th Birthday!

turned 6 on January 4th.
I kept asking what he wanted to do for his birthday and who did he want to invite.

The guest list:



That's it!  That was the easiest birthday party ever!!  He wanted to go to the Sandy Fun Center and afterwards we grabbed ice cream cones at Arctic Circle and they continued to play on the little playground there.  And the best part, he loved it!!  It was so great.  I love that he is such a simple and easy going kid!!

Anthony & Garrett

Family Party!!

Of course we couldn't celebrate without the family!

The kids always get great gifts from the family!  This was a gift card to Barnes and Noble which of course he bought..... Legos.  Go figure!!

Makayla & Katelyn

Want to make a kid happy....... a bag full of money!!  Uncle Adam and Auntie Cassie have it all figured out!!  Add a couple cans of silly string and we have a winner!!!

Auntie Jaime and Auntie Cassie

Even Auntie Misty seemed excited about the bag of money!!  


And a happy Nate!!  

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