Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Sunday drive to the Great Salt Lake

Who knew the Great Salt Lake Marina was a cool place to go?  We didn't, but decided we should at least go check it out.  We're missing someone in this picture.

Get this kid next to water and there go the rocks!  But who doesn't love throwing rocks in water?

Oh, there's Christopher!  Asleep in the car.  Happens all the time!!  Poor Kid!

I did not know the brown mountains that surround the lake, and the brown island, could be so pretty.  But they were.  It was so amazing to me.
Anthony makes the picture even better!

Nate, just happy to be there!

Lance took the boys to check out the sail boats and daydreamed about sailing!

Its a good thing we take a soccer ball EVERYWHERE we go, just in case there is a patch of grass big enough to kick a ball.  This kid is so funny that way!!

Nate, however was more interested in the boats!

A few more inches higher with the ball and the picture would have been perfect!!

Guess who woke up as we were all putting our seat belts on....  Yep!  Perfect timing!  I told Lance he needed to get him out of the car and show him the water so he didn't feel bad for missing it all!  Then I was able to get this sweet picture!!

Seriously though........ who knew! 

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