Monday, August 29, 2011

Kauai County Fair

We took the kids to the Kauai County Fair.  It is THE event of the year for Kauai.  The kids had a great time.  They all loved this ride.  Especially Nate!  He was all smiles!!

There was a great petting zoo there.  Of course only Christopher would go in.  He loved it.  Dad is showing him the ducklings webbed feet.

He loved the little piggies!!

The goats!!  And anything else he could get his hands on!!  He petted chickens and rabbits too!!   He thought it was pretty cool!!

Nate and Anthony looked from the other side of the gate.  They are such funny boys!!  I don't know what they are afraid of!!  But as long as they are having fun!!

We all had a great time.  We played games, went of rides, saw the animals and enjoyed some good food.  

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yeah for Soccer!!

Yeah for Soccer!!  The boys had their first games today!!  I was such a proud "Soccer Mom"!!  Nate played awesome!  He scored a goal and played hard.  He was all smiles the whole game.  That in itself is a win in my book!!

Anthony has been waiting for soccer to start for 5 months!!  Finally it's here!!

Didn't mean to cut off Lance and James, but thought this could be a fun shot.  I'm a little too short, but I'm going to work on it.  Lance is Anthony's coach and they have a great team.  We will have a lot of fun with these boys!!

Nate's Team is the "Hanalei Bulls!"  

Here are the "Yellow Hornets!"  

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pool Time with Friends!!

We had a great day with our friends.  We had dinner and then headed over to the pool!  All the kids love for Lance to throw them around the pool and I just happened to get a couple fun pictures of Nate.  

This picture makes me laugh.  
I love his position in the air!!  

Christopher was having such a great time.  He loves to hang on the side and let go and push himself back up.  He is really doing a great job in the pool. 

These are my cute friends.  Brooke & April.

Brooke and Baby Matthew and below is her son Elijah.  Christopher and Elijah are becoming little buddies.  Elijah calls him "Christmas fur" and Christopher calls him "I ja".  

Anthony and Noah hanging out in the hot tub!!

Some how my friends and I all have boys!!  
Makes for a fun group.
Matthew, Elijah, Nate, Christopher, Anthony, Isaac, Noah and Jonah!.

Monday, August 15, 2011

A day at the sunny side of the island!!

We decided to take the kids to the sunny side of the island, although all of Kauai had beautiful weather over the weekend.  There was an Artisan Fair with all kinds of fun things to look at.  I am a terrible shopper, but I do enjoy looking at the great things people have developed their talents around.  There was jewelry, photography, bracelets made from the stringy stuff in coconuts and orchids dipped in lacquer and made into pendants, plus much more.  

The big thing around here........ Shaved Ice!!!!  It was a welcome treat on a hot day!!  The kids played for a minute on the open grass area on Poipu Beach with their soccer ball.  They would have done that all day if we would have let them.  But there was more to do and see!!

Our next stop was a small town called Hanapepe.  The highlight, was a wooden swinging bridge.  Lucky to report we were able to make it across and back with no issues!!!  It was actually very cool!

There are a few little shops with a "Main Street" feel.  I believe there are 16 art galleries in the area, but we chose not to go in them.  Its hard enough going into any store with 6 very busy hands.  Anthony was just chillin' waiting for everyone.

We did take the kids into one store with a lot of breakable things.  It was the only store with a potty!!!   CJ was diggin' the head phones listening to some island tunes!!

Then we headed over to Glass Beach.  

The whole beach use to look like this, but with blue and green glass too.  Over the years the beach glass has really been picked through and there is not much to be found there.  I must admit, 8 years ago, we filled a couple of water bottles with glass from this beach.  I now feel a little guilty about that.

We stopped at Kalapaki Beach, which is the beach to the Marriott in Lihue.  It was such a great beach.  The kids had a blast.  I love this picture of Nate. 

Anthony was working hard here, burying his bucket and had a moat all around, but as you can see, it didn't last too long.  The waves were really coming up onto the shore.

It didn't take too long for the kids to make their way to the water.  They had a great time body surfing and playing with dad.

This kid cracks me up!!  You can always tell how he's feeling.  He is quite disappointed here because Lance is trying to give Anthony a little attention and has just told CJ to come and see me.  His stroll said it all as he was approaching me!! He makes me laugh!!

These 2 are just waiting for their turn to play.  CJ has the football in hand and ready to go!!
Too Fun!!

Lance was such a great sport.  We all had a great time playing at the beach, and just had a great day!  I can't believe we actually made it through a day with no bickering, and fighting and hurt feelings!!  If that wasn't a successful day, I don't know what is!!!  and..... CJ fell asleep at 6:30 and slept all night!!  Good Times!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back to the beach!!

Another day of fun in the sun!!  Spent the day at Annini Beach with friends.

I was very impressed with Nate's creativity.  Using the shovel as a paddle, and invented his own  boogie paddle board!!  It didn't work to well, but he enjoyed trying it out!!

This is such a great beach for Christopher.  It's shallow but beautiful and great fun.  Anthony is such a wonderful brother.  Even though he had some friends there, he played with his little brothers.

Its hard not to be happy when your here!!

Hanging Out!!

This is our life!!  It's a beach!!  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Since I got my new toy, all I want to do is take pictures.  Luckily I have beautiful kids and beautiful scenery all around me.  

I have never seen so many amazing rainbows in my life.  They are in abundance here.  This was simply breath taking.  It was taken from Lumahi Beach, north of Hanalei Bay and the rainbow is in the bay.  It was so bright.  The colors were blazing off the water.  I couldn't believe it.  I wish so badly that this picture captured the beauty from the rainbow.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Since we were too late to get the boys in soccer, 
they have spenttheir time learning Jujitsu!!  
And of course they love it.
Who wouldn't like to wrestle, 
especially boys!!

They look so tough in their gee's.  
Actually they looksuper cute!!  
But I think they would like to think
they look tough!!

Cookies Anyone!!

On our trip to Utah we got to stay at "Aunt" Kathy's house for a couple of days.  And since we couldn't quite get enough, we extended it for an additional night!!  Patient Kathy let the kids help with the cookies.  She did it with such ease.  I was impressed!!

Nate and CJ were in heaven!  They love helping in the kitchen.  

And of course, hiding to lick the beaters.  He literally had to hide and we had to pretend we didn't see him take it.  But there was plenty of cookie dough available to make the others happy!!

I love this woman.  She is a great friend and adopted sister!!  It was so easy staying at their home.  It truly feels like family there.  We had a great weekend going to dinner with the Capps and Boardmans, followed by a little "Hand and Foot," with the girls kicking butt!!!!  BBQ's, kids playing soccer, and more soccer.  That's what it's all about.  I was sad not to get more pictures of that great weekend.  But the memories will always be there!!!

Our trip to Utah was a reminder of how blessed we have been over the years.  We have friendships that will last a very, very long time.  We are excited for a new chapter in our lives, living in a new amazing place.  But how grateful for those who come into our lives and are there to stay!!!