Friday, August 5, 2011

Cookies Anyone!!

On our trip to Utah we got to stay at "Aunt" Kathy's house for a couple of days.  And since we couldn't quite get enough, we extended it for an additional night!!  Patient Kathy let the kids help with the cookies.  She did it with such ease.  I was impressed!!

Nate and CJ were in heaven!  They love helping in the kitchen.  

And of course, hiding to lick the beaters.  He literally had to hide and we had to pretend we didn't see him take it.  But there was plenty of cookie dough available to make the others happy!!

I love this woman.  She is a great friend and adopted sister!!  It was so easy staying at their home.  It truly feels like family there.  We had a great weekend going to dinner with the Capps and Boardmans, followed by a little "Hand and Foot," with the girls kicking butt!!!!  BBQ's, kids playing soccer, and more soccer.  That's what it's all about.  I was sad not to get more pictures of that great weekend.  But the memories will always be there!!!

Our trip to Utah was a reminder of how blessed we have been over the years.  We have friendships that will last a very, very long time.  We are excited for a new chapter in our lives, living in a new amazing place.  But how grateful for those who come into our lives and are there to stay!!!

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