Friday, August 5, 2011

Back to school is so so COOL!!!

The boys are back in school!!!  Not only am I excited about that, but so are they!!  After the first day, Anthony got in the car and was just soooo happy.  I asked how he likes his new class and all he could say was "I'M SO GRATEFUL!"  Nate is so excited to be in kindergarten.  The teachers are easing the kindergartener's in slowly by having them come every other day for only half days for the first 2 weeks.  Nate is not too happy about that.  He would love to be there every day - full time!!!  It was very cute to hear them talking to each other after the first day.  Anthony and his friends let Nate play soccer with them during recess and Anthony was telling Nate how all his friends kept saying they wanted the "Little Man" on their team.  Made Nate's day... and mine!!  I'm so grateful that my kids have fantastic teachers!  Fantastic classes filled with Fantastic things!!!  It couldn't be better!!

I am in awe every time I pull into the school parking lot.  Look at the back drop to the school.  Might be hard to see but there are 6 waterfalls cascading down the mountain.  It is simply breath taking!!!

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