Thursday, August 4, 2011

CJ turns 3

Happy Birthday Christopher!!!

Nate was so cute.  For weeks all he wanted to get for Christopher was a watch.    CJ loved his watch!!  Nate did good!!!  We had a great day.  We went to the Hemingways house for lunch and birthday cake and celebrated both CJ and Isaac's birthdays.  Then we took our families to see Cars 2 and met up with more friends!!!  And came home for presents!!  

And then we celebrated again when we went on our vacation to Utah.  The kids loved seeing their cousins.  Too bad Makayla is missing in this picture.  CJ, knowing that on his next birthday he would turn 4, was so excited thinking that is what was happening!!!  He kept saying, "YEAH, I'M 4"

That cheesy grin........ yep...... he got that from me!!!!  He got a couple new shirts for his birthday, but it's not like he will actually wear them!!!  As Anthony always says, "we're locals!" (Hawaiin Locals)  I guess they think the locals don't wear shirts or shoes!!  I must agree, there is some truth to that! 

He loves these cars from Grandpa Dan.  We love the noise they make!!  

This is one of my favorite things right now.  I love how he shows 3.  Its usually with a little attitude, but he was just so happy the attitude didn't show through!!!  Love this kid!!!

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