Friday, August 5, 2011

Zoo and Friends!!

Our trip to Utah wouldn't be complete without a trip to the zoo with some of our cute friends!!  Julie, Laurel and Ashton Iorg!!!  The zoo had a dinosaur theme going on throughout the park.  It was so amazing.  The kids loved seeing all the dinosaurs and being able to climb on a few!!

And of course, we can't visit the zoo without a ride on the carousel.  CJ thought it was so great!  Loved his choice of animal!!  The preying mantis!!  The carousel there has got to have the best animals ever!!  I love the amazing detail spent on each one.  Well Done!!!

These two couldn't have cared much about their animal choices, just as long as they were together!!!

Ashton and Nate are best buds.  They have the cutes friendship.  Oh how I wish they could see each other more.  After a play date at Ashton's house a couple of days later, Ashton sobbed and sobbed when Nate left.  Nate held his in until he got in the car.  Lance was there to witness the event and even he got a little emotional.  

The T-Rex was quite cool.  It roared and moved its head from side to side.  I love this picture of the two boys.  Just something about it!!!

We finished our long day at the zoo with the playground.  Always a good time there!!

Is this not the cutest picture ever!!!  If I could choose now who Anthony would marry, it is this cute girl right here!!!  There is something super special about her that I just love!!!  We'll just have to wait and see what the future hold!!  

So glad we could spend the day with our friends.  Love them all!!!!!

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