Friday, August 19, 2011

Pool Time with Friends!!

We had a great day with our friends.  We had dinner and then headed over to the pool!  All the kids love for Lance to throw them around the pool and I just happened to get a couple fun pictures of Nate.  

This picture makes me laugh.  
I love his position in the air!!  

Christopher was having such a great time.  He loves to hang on the side and let go and push himself back up.  He is really doing a great job in the pool. 

These are my cute friends.  Brooke & April.

Brooke and Baby Matthew and below is her son Elijah.  Christopher and Elijah are becoming little buddies.  Elijah calls him "Christmas fur" and Christopher calls him "I ja".  

Anthony and Noah hanging out in the hot tub!!

Some how my friends and I all have boys!!  
Makes for a fun group.
Matthew, Elijah, Nate, Christopher, Anthony, Isaac, Noah and Jonah!.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I love your blog! Post often so we can keep up with your exciting paradise life! Miss you!
