Monday, August 15, 2011

A day at the sunny side of the island!!

We decided to take the kids to the sunny side of the island, although all of Kauai had beautiful weather over the weekend.  There was an Artisan Fair with all kinds of fun things to look at.  I am a terrible shopper, but I do enjoy looking at the great things people have developed their talents around.  There was jewelry, photography, bracelets made from the stringy stuff in coconuts and orchids dipped in lacquer and made into pendants, plus much more.  

The big thing around here........ Shaved Ice!!!!  It was a welcome treat on a hot day!!  The kids played for a minute on the open grass area on Poipu Beach with their soccer ball.  They would have done that all day if we would have let them.  But there was more to do and see!!

Our next stop was a small town called Hanapepe.  The highlight, was a wooden swinging bridge.  Lucky to report we were able to make it across and back with no issues!!!  It was actually very cool!

There are a few little shops with a "Main Street" feel.  I believe there are 16 art galleries in the area, but we chose not to go in them.  Its hard enough going into any store with 6 very busy hands.  Anthony was just chillin' waiting for everyone.

We did take the kids into one store with a lot of breakable things.  It was the only store with a potty!!!   CJ was diggin' the head phones listening to some island tunes!!

Then we headed over to Glass Beach.  

The whole beach use to look like this, but with blue and green glass too.  Over the years the beach glass has really been picked through and there is not much to be found there.  I must admit, 8 years ago, we filled a couple of water bottles with glass from this beach.  I now feel a little guilty about that.

We stopped at Kalapaki Beach, which is the beach to the Marriott in Lihue.  It was such a great beach.  The kids had a blast.  I love this picture of Nate. 

Anthony was working hard here, burying his bucket and had a moat all around, but as you can see, it didn't last too long.  The waves were really coming up onto the shore.

It didn't take too long for the kids to make their way to the water.  They had a great time body surfing and playing with dad.

This kid cracks me up!!  You can always tell how he's feeling.  He is quite disappointed here because Lance is trying to give Anthony a little attention and has just told CJ to come and see me.  His stroll said it all as he was approaching me!! He makes me laugh!!

These 2 are just waiting for their turn to play.  CJ has the football in hand and ready to go!!
Too Fun!!

Lance was such a great sport.  We all had a great time playing at the beach, and just had a great day!  I can't believe we actually made it through a day with no bickering, and fighting and hurt feelings!!  If that wasn't a successful day, I don't know what is!!!  and..... CJ fell asleep at 6:30 and slept all night!!  Good Times!!

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